Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Let's start at the berry beginning..

I recently learned that you can eat uncooked oatmeal. I did not know this! This has just revolutionized my breakfast. Apparently, uncooked oatmeal that has been soaked in milk is muesli. Sure, I've heard of it before and just never really fully knew exactly what it was. I've never really been a huge oatmeal fan. My childhood memory of oatmeal is my mom having a pot of cardboard tasting thick slop which I had to generously add its weight in brown sugar and milk to enjoy. Now, as an adult and wanting to rediscover the many ways of eating oatmeal, I came across a simple and wonderful way for me to enjoy oatmeal without drowning it in sugar.

And if I'm going to eat oatmeal during the week it has to be fast. I wake up five minutes after I should already be out the door so five minute breakfast preparation is already five minutes too much. But I must have breakfast!! or I'll get sick.. and die.. well.. probably just not be able to think.. and pass out.

The prep the night before: Pour uncooked rolled oats in a plastic bowl and maybe crumble a couple of walnut halves in. Add some blueberries, raspberries and blackberries to another small container. Wait till morning.

In the morning: Pour some milk into the bowl of oatmeal with a little drizzle of 100% real maple syrup. Leave the house.

I could even make this process faster if I wanted to put it in the fridge overnight soaking in the milk and syrup and I have tried this. I just notice that the oatmeal gets really sticky. I prefer the texture better if it soaks for a shorter time. Try both and see what you like.

I typically eat a delicious bowl of oatmeal at my desk at work in the morning that looks a little something like this:

mmmm... yummy... These have been such delicious mornings. What I love about this is it's super fast, super delicious and super real food. The berries came from the farmers' market so they are the tastiest, juiciest, freshest berries I've ever had. It's REAL oatmeal, REAL milk, REAL berries, REAL walnuts and REAL syrup and the best quality I can find. I know there's no artificial ingredients or colors or cheap tiny bits of dried fruits or preservatives. I've also wanted to get more protein in for breakfast because I realize I just function much better when I have more protein in the morning. I also did not realize that 1/2 cup of oatmeal has 9 grams of protein. That along with the milk I'm packing a pretty good amount of protein in my breakfast without having to eat eggs or sausage and bacon.

I'll keep experimenting with my toppings. I've got a bunch of really fantastic fresh dates I'm thinking of tossing in my next bowl. It's going to be delicious.. fo' sho.


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